Hepco & Becker Royster Rear Soft Bag Seat Pad BASIC Version
The Royster product family is now complete! In addition to this softbag you have both a tank bag and C-bow bag set available to match. The unmistakable look of the Royster Rear Bag is a logical addition to either staple. The modern rear bag is a visual highlight for every passenger seat instead of your typical mundane look. In addition to the focus on packing volume and function, the bag claims to be contemporary yet completely new. This is the ideal rear bag that is both waterproof and large enough to fit a helmet. The actual bag is a hard shape design that keeps it shape and contours to the rear of any bike.
The Royster Rearbag comes in three types of attachment: the BASIC attachment, the Seatpad BASIC attachment and strap version. The BASIC version can be mounted on a model-specific Sportrack at lightning speed by use of a mechanical locking mechanism, the all-new Seatpad version or the conventional method which is a reliable 4-point tie down system. Please note the product name denoting which version you are choosing. This is the Seatpad BASIC version.
Content: 27-32 liters
Weight: 4 pounds
Dimensions: WxHxD 16.5 x 11.4 x 11.4-13 inches
Recommended load: 11 pounds